
The Alpha Upsilon Sigma Chapter welcomes professional, self-confident, and goal-oriented women with excellent leadership skills who are eager to work in the community. All prospective members must hold a degree from a four-year accredited educational institution.
Professional women who are interested in learning more about the Sorority and our chapter should review our chapter events in order to avail themselves of the variety of service and social opportunities that are offered by Alpha Upsilon Sigma Chapter. Membership in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is extended BY INVITATION ONLY and may not be solicited.
Benefits of membership
· Lifetime sisterhood
· Professional and leadership development
· Education-centered community service opportunities
· Networking opportunities
If you are interested in membership, please complete the inquiry form to the right.
The Alpha Upsilon Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. serves as advisor to two undergraduate chapters. Gamma Beta is located at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and Delta Beta is located at Eastern Illinois University. Interested young women may apply for undergraduate chapter membership after successfully completing one quarter, semester, or trimester of coursework.
You may pursue membership only while in attendance at a four-year accredited college or university, or in a liberal arts/transfer program of a junior or community college. The cumulative grade point average required for membership is 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to email the chapter advisors, by clicking the links.
Dear Soror,
We are elated that you are considering reactivating your membership
with the Alpha Upsilon Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority,
Inc. Our sisterhood circle is waiting to embrace you with open arms.
Since your reinstatement is vital to our chapter and the sorority, our
mission is to make you feel like you have never left us.
When you reactivate with our chapter, we will support and guide you
from day one; introduce and welcome you at your first sorority meeting;
pair you with a great mentor; and provide you with a Welcome Back
Membership packet. The packet will contain vital information such as a
chapter calendar, chapter links, and over 22 choices of committees that
you can choose to join.
We are eagerly waiting to hear from you. Please fill out the membership
inquiry form, and we will be in touch soon!
AUS Chapter

76th Annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon
Our mothers are our Queens and this year will be a Rhoyal Celebration of the Women that sacrificed who they wanted to be so that we could be who we were meant to be. Celebrating our Queens!

News Worthy
The late Dr. LaRona J. Morris, Past Grand Basileus, originated this nation-wide
symposium under her administration during the periods of 1996 – 2000. We are honored to continue Past Grand Basileus Morris’s thrust to empower youth in our
communities through hands-on, interactive activities. Event is for ages 12-18 (youth)